Creatures and a Feather-

In Florida we have so many creatures that cohabitate with the human creatures.  Some are cute and cuddly.......... others not so much.  There are species that are native to Florida only, and are on the threatened species list and require government intervention and relocation before a home can be built on a parcel of land. Southwest Florida offers beautiful views, beaches and boating activities for everyone, and it is a retirement paradise.  However, make sure your Realtor checks into the possible scrub jay and gopher tortoise residents before buying your land.  Those little guys need a new home and the Fish and Wildlife agents will relocate them.  The new land owner will need to pay for permits to have this done, and it can cost upwards of $4,000 for the scrub jay mitigation and up to $2,000 for the gopher tortoise. 

Now, on to our not so cute and cuddly residents........... the alligator.  In my family we define the alligator as a meat eating dinosaur.  The alligator can be found in pretty much ANY body of water in Florida........ and occasionally in the backyard swimming pool.  Yes, we have witnessed this first hand!  It takes an army to get the gator out of the pool and back to the pond.
Gator's are not to be messed with.  Their brain is small and wired to eat!  There were 26 fatal gator attacks in Florida last year.  Don't go swimming in water you don't chlorinate or call a pool!  *check first!  

As long as you respect the other creatures and feathers that share this beautiful state of ours....... everyone will continue to enjoy the many reasons we are here!


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