An Invitation to Converse

I was at our local Publix shopping center...... and I noticed the variety of chairs sitting among the complex and palm trees...... and I had to stop to take a picture.  It spoke to me.... it was an invitation to sit down and have a conversation...... an invitation to sit down and slow the pace of the day.  So, I did.  I sat down...... I took a break from my list of "To-Do's" and looked at the beauty that was around me.

I watched the shoppers coming and going.. mostly admiring the sweet senior citizens... holding hands as they walk into the store... smiling at the young mother who was wrestling with the 2 year old to get her into the seat of the cart.... shaking my head at the cars fighting for the front row parking spot; even though they are about to go into the same store and walk a mile......I noticed the beautiful palm trees growing tall in the parking lot and the hibiscus blooming on the bushes.    

I did not have anyone join me in the other seat........ but I found myself thinking that if more of us would just stop and enjoy the little things....... like a conversation... we would get to know more of our neighbors and the people that make up our communities.  Could this type of an epidemic help ease tensions in this world......... could you make a difference in someone's day.. just by taking a moment to say HI?   I have met some of the most interesting people at the grocery store........... stop staring at the racks of food products... and smile at the person walking past you.  You never know how it could make their day........... or yours.


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