Princess and the Pea.... I think NOT!

We all know what it is.. some deal with it better than others... some just don't deal with it at all... It is called STRESS.

I can honestly say that I am happier now in my life than I have ever been.  I have a wonderful husband, and fabulous career, healthy grandchildren and grown kids that can support themselves!  (Parenting Goal 101 Achieved!)  But, I can also say that with all of the wonderful things going on there are additional levels of stress that I have determined can be dealt with in a number of ways....

Stress Level 1:  Your morning wake up is a text sent by a client, the boss, or the lender that keeps the world going around that says.... something is amiss............. OOPS... looks like I better drink my coffee before continuing the read of this text....... this is not a critical 911 text... yet... this we can deal with after the appropriate amount of caffeine.

Stress Level 2:  This is the stress level that keeps you awake at night, not necessarily bad stuff... or should I say.. "challenging" stuff... but just the long laundry list of things your brain will not stop reminding you that needs to be completed... at 3:00 a.m....  thank you brain.. you are the best administrative assistant a girl could ask for........ I KNOW I have to send those 100 emails by 7:00 a.m. UGH!

Stress Level 3:....... Okay, this is when I call in reinforcements... this is the wake-up after Level 2 has been telling you all night.." girl you have stuff to do" ... and it is combined with its friend Level 3... "someone, namely me" has the proverbial brown stuff hitting the fan... along with no groceries in the house, the cat is mad because there is no wet food, there is house cleaning that must be done (the dust bunnies are bigger than my 20 lb cat at this point), work crisis needs to be handled and there just aren't enough hours in the day to change into my Wonder Woman costume...  this is normally the time I text my BFF and say... "pray for me today because I need it".. the text to my office manager and boss..."get the bail money ready"....

Do you know what I am talking about?  This level of stress keeps my blood pumping, keeps the winery in business and keeps me thankful that I have this sort of activity in my life.   If it weren't for the stress, I would probably not feel alive.  If it is stress that makes the world go around... well, damn I am a hamster in a wheel going 55 mph........ but, I would not change one darn moment of my life.

I love what I do, I LOVE the people I do it for, and I cannot be more thankful of the opportunities I am afforded and the people I work with.

I can laugh at myself, my faults and my mountains to climb... so I hope you can to!   Embrace each day and take it as it comes... tomorrow the sun will rise and bring a whole new set of adventures.


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