"Remember When?"
Very recently I had the pleasure of spending quality time with a friend from High School. I had not spent quality time with him since 1988......... our lives have changed, we have grown, we have a few more gray hairs than we care to admit...... our stories consist of children, grandchildren, loss and joy.
When you get the opportunity to sit down with someone you have not seen in a while........ take the time to turn off your phone and get to know the person in front of you.
It is great to swap the "remember when" stories, and there were lots of them! Like that time......... at band camp.... It is funny how your mind stops with an image of someone from the last time you saw them. Of course the beauty of the internet and FaceBook keep us aging in the eyes of everyone we choose to share our lives with.......... but nothing seems to really help the brain grasp that time has lapsed until you see someone again in person. He and his wife have created a successful business... raised children.... have grandchildren....... and yet.... that person from days gone by is still in there. It really makes you appreciate how precious these moments are in our lives. Time goes by fast!
It will be 30 years since I graduated from High School........... in 2018..... but my mind isn't willing to accept that fact.... my body....... maybe...... but we all agreed our minds didn't feel older.
We shared a few beers, shared a few laughs, stayed up waaaaay too late, toured the town and then said our goodbye's..... fortunately for us he and his wife will be relocating to Florida and we can continue where we left off.
Life gets in the way.............. that is what we say............... but.......... sometimes you have to get Life out of the way and spend time with the people who influenced who you are.... in one small way or another.
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