To Be Seen or NOT To Be Seen- That is the Question!
I know you have those days... like I do....... where you really don't have a plan to head outside of the comfort of your home, but to work on your computer and in the house for the day. That is when your attire resorts to the comfy gym shorts, tank top, hair up in a clip.......... and NO MAKE UP... glasses instead of contacts.............. yes........... it's gonna be a good day!!!!
But, then it happens...... you realize you are out of coffee, creamer and milk. OH NO! That is the worst! (Unless of course I happen to be out of wet cat food....... and that is the biggest crisis of them all..... if you have cats... you know.)
Crap, I have to run to the store. I will be quick... no one will see me.
I decide to go to my local Winn Dixie.... instead of my usual Publix... I know people there... I think to myself... I won't run into anyone I know at Winn Dixie...and besides.. Winn Dixie is kind of my go to place when I am not looking my best. Yeah.. well....... not today sister....... NOT TODAY!
I walk right through the sliding doors and walk right into clients I met at the office.......... hoping they won't recognize me...I tilt my head down a bit...... but NOOOOOOOOO........ they recognize me.
"HI LORI".... oh HI! I greet them with a big smile and continue as if nothing is wrong... after a minute or two of finding out how they are doing and asking about the most recent listings I sent them........ Katie (name has been changed to protect the innocent) asks me if I am getting over the flu that is going around?????????? This is when I look for the nearest floor mat to crawl under.......... rather than tell her the truth that I am just a lazy bum today..... I say...... YES! LOL!
That response resulted in a quick exit by my clients...... and me seriously contemplating the need for a wig and sunglasses for the next time I decide to be a stay at home bum and not do anything with myself before I go outside into the public... and also leaves me thinking....... wow... I must look REALLY bad without makeup........... yeesh!
Next time my husband tells me .."No honey, you look beautiful even without makeup"... I will know he is only trying to keep the peace and not hurt my feelings..... he likes sleeping in the bed.
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