Am I Considered Vintage???
I was out at a vintage shop yesterday checking out the cool shabby chic and refurbished furniture pieces... each vendor has their own little space that is decorated with cute decor items and furniture... I am a sucker for this kind of shop!! I was walking through and noticed this phone....... it says "OLD Phone".......... it is a Bell phone... from Bell Atlantic........... and it is cool because it has the auto redial button....... how freaking cool is that? Now, we have computers in the palm of our hand that you don't even have to press buttons to dial... you can just tell Siri to do it for you! But, seeing this labeled as OLD made me think............ am I now considered Vintage because I had one of these phones? Because I know how it works? But, it also made me think about all of the wonderful benefits of having one of these............. versus the computer in our hands we can't live without....... When you called someone...... and they were havin...