
Showing posts from 2016

Overcoming the Money Obstacle

Buying Real Estate costs money...... not only are there costs associated with a loan, there are fee's that are not typically included in the loan.  First time home buyers definitely have that look of fear in their eyes when they realize it will cost money out of pocket......... that the uneducated buyer is not prepared for.  That "unknown" can scare them away from the process of owning a home. How do you overcome this obstacle?  What do you say to a potential client who is looking for their first home?  I know personally............... when I was looking to buy my first home I absolutely freaked out when I figured out the loan didn't cover the incidental costs...... inspections, appraisals... etc.  Let alone the verbiage in the documents scared me out of the transaction.  Looking back... I blame my lender and my Realtor.  We never sat down and discussed what was involved........ we just took off to look at homes that were in my budget.  Now,...

Day One of Showings!

Today is Wednesday.... and I am halfway through my second week as a Realtor... I love it!  My mentor took me out on showings for a condo on Monday.  We started our day out with approximately 18 condo's to look at..... and we set out nice and early with our client and her Mom.  (by the way...... her Mom is the sweetest little 80 year old firecracker you will ever meet.  I had to pull her away from the nice looking man in his swim trunks when she asked him for his phone number and address... LOL) The client found a property she REALLY wanted, and said.......... write it up!  YAY!  A dream come true; I was going to write up an offer after 7 days in the business.  WOW!  I even took a picture of my name on the AS IS contract through the MLS.... ha ha....... My mentor laughed when I said "it's like babies first tooth.. you gotta keep these memories"........ #GreenLionRealty #Shannonmoore #lovemyclients

Learning with Shannon Moore!

I am a new Realtor........ new to the industry as in new new... not old new....... but NEW!   I have been fortunate enough to connect with Shannon Moore of Green Lion Realty.. and my education continues. Once you complete your schooling and pass the exam......... you must prepare for the SCARY STATE EXAM...and then.... pass it!   As I completed those steps I found myself saying......... NOW WHAT? Interview Brokers they said.......... okay??  So, I did.  I knew I wanted to meet Shannon.  I had been following her on Facebook and her message hit home with me.  Meeting Shannon was like meeting a celebrity to me and she welcomed me to The Den!  I am a lioness being molded and educated along the way.  Never have I had such an exciting list of things to do...... Never have I been so sleep deprived while accomplishing my goals...... but..... I am LOVING every minute of it.  I often looked at people who said they loved their jobs as if they were some...